This site is finally coming into shape with this discussion board as well as the trading post. Some may recognize the general layout of the trading post. It is a commercially available software for anyone to run. We considered running the Tetra Web product but due to overwhelming spam problems as evidenced on other boards we decided to go with the current software we are running on the trading post. We also decided against running the Tetra software for the discussion board due to spammers.
The trading post is free for any to post on. You have the ability to post pictures inside the ads if you desire. You may post seperate ads for each item at this time.
Any dealer with an ad on the dealer directory may submit a banner for rotation on the trading post. Your banners will be put into rotation and give everyone a chance for a bit more exposure.
Thanks to all that have participated in this endeavor. It is our goal to make this site one of the BEST on the net and to help create a place for like minded gun enthusiasts to buy, sell, trade, or just hang out.